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type UpdateNotificationSettingsInput {  onReply: Boolean  onFeatured: Boolean  onStaffReplies: Boolean  onModeration: Boolean  digestFrequency: DIGEST_FREQUENCY  clientMutationId: String!}


onReply (Boolean)#

onReply, when true, will enable notifications to be sent to users that have replies to their comments.

onFeatured (Boolean)#

onFeatured, when true, will enable notifications to be sent to users that have their comment's featured.

onStaffReplies (Boolean)#

onStaffReplies when true, will enable notifications to be sent to users that have a staff member reply to their comments. These notifications will supercede notifications that would have been sent for a basic reply notification.

onModeration (Boolean)#

onModeration when true, will enable notifications to be sent to users when a comment that they wrote that was previously unpublished, becomes published due to a moderator action.

digestFrequency (DIGEST_FREQUENCY)#

digestFrequency is the frequency to send notifications.

clientMutationId (String!)#

clientMutationId is required for Relay support.